“We believe it is a global responsibility to
reduce and eliminate waste that is harmful
to the environment and all life.”


Our Zero Waste Commitment

Zero Waste is about so much more than just waste.

We know this because we have seen it and experienced it.

But we understand that this is not yet the case for everyone.

It is for this reason that we consider it our responsibility to lead by example, by establishing Zero Waste as our own organizational direction, and by sharing the founding Zero Waste principles and policies with both the facilities that we work with, as well as with the communities we serve.

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HSR’s vision is to lead the change by providing education and training on zero waste policies, practices and systems. As thought leaders, we want to steward the creation of a paradigm shift to elevate and shift the resources management industry into a zero waste industry.

“Managing resources for 30 years has taught us many things, but one lesson is clear: we cannot continue treating waste the way we always have. The future we see is clear, and we’re here to help you take the next steps to get there.”—Jamie Kaminski

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Our Mission

We continuously challenge ourselves and our community, driving change to protect people and our planet. We believe it is a global responsibility to reduce and eliminate waste that is harmful to the environment and all life.

While promoting Zero Waste, we provide our customers and community with services to understand and responsibly manage their reusable and recyclable materials, ensuring a healthy and happy future.


The International Zero Waste Definition & Zero Waste Hierarchy

These represent the founding policies and practices of Zero Waste, which we believe in and operate by.

“Zero Waste is the conservation of all resources by means of responsible production, consumption, reuse, and recovery of products, packaging, and materials without burning, and with no discharges to land, water, or air that threaten the environment or human health”

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© Zero Waste International Alliance zwia.org/zwh

Active Member of:

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We are a proud and active member of Zero Waste Canada, the national affiliate of the Zero Waste International Alliance (ZWIA), whom we support and collaborate with both as an organization, and as individual volunteers.

We believe in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and operate accordingly, as we understand how each and every one of the Global Goals pertains directly to Zero Waste.

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Copyright © 2024 HSR Zero Waste
Web Design, Raw Media
